The North New Hope Sunday school is now collecting loose change for ELCA good gifts. They usually only do this in fall but everyone wanted to keep supporting this great project! (They were so excited) Their goal is to buy a fish farm for $250!!!!! This gift would allow a village to have a sustainable food source.

Please help them reach their goal.

Bring your loose change (or currency) to our drive in church service.

Thank you!


North New Hope Sunday School returned Sunday, October 3rd, meeting at 9:45 AM.

Please wear a mask to class as we take proper precautions for everyone's safety.

We look forward to seeing our students!

Thank you!




North New Hope Christmas Program, December 6, 2020




North New Hope Sunday School is staying busy!




Come and join us for Sunday School each Sunday at 10 A.M.

We are currently working on our Christmas program and would love to have you join us!

Masks are required.



We received two grants, one from Thrivent and one from Central WI Electric Coop.

We are currently making blankets for the Ascension emergency room department.

This is a great outreach project.

Many hands make light work



Faith's Day Camp 2019







Thanks Jessie Glodowski (at left) for heading up Day Camp



Ian is one of the three counselors.



Kathy Grill and Jackie Gehm who was a teacher. Once a teacher always a teacher.






Linda Dobbe was helping too





Quilting kids putting their marks of distinction on a new quilt.



Alyce Kolden, Karen Dobbe and Kathy Grill too.



B J Sadogierski and Lois Thorp doing their parts as well.









Some champion cup stackers coming up.



Ancient stones given new life.'s what's for everything....... :) 


















Like the Olympics there's a closing ceremony






North New Hope's Operation Christmas Child 



North New Hope Sunday School children packed 49 boxes for Operation Christmas Child on December 11.










What a great effort on everyones' part.

Start 'em young and train 'em right.





















