Welcome to the congregations of Faith and North New Hope

Rosholt, Wisconsin






Grants Available

Faith Lutheran has an Extended Ministries Endowment Fund from which disbursements are awarded to approved organizations.

If you belong to a CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION whose mission is PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE this is for you.


The 2024-2025 grant cycle is closed.



In-house and online services are held at Faith Lutheran in Rosholt at 8:45 AM and North New Hope at 10:45 AM.


These are livestreamed on Facebook Live and are available for viewing live or at your convenience.


Livestream services are typically updated here by early afternoon.


These services are provided as a convenience for those who can't attend in person. It takes a facility, resources and staff to provide these services so please keep that in mind. Thank you!


February 9 Faith Livestream


February 9 New Hope Livestream


February 16 Faith Livestream  (tba)


February 16 New Hope Livestream (tba)






Please come back often, watch for weekly updates and spread the WORD.




Click on the icon below to see more on our public facebook page






Are you seeking a church home?

Don't put it off.......please visit, give us a call or both.

Both congregations have long and varied histories.

Please visit the Our Histories page for more.


The congregation of North New Hope has the longest history of the four congregations which make up the joint parish.

North New Hope Lutheran Church is located at the junction of County Highway MM and 845 County Road T in the Town of New Hope.




The culmination of the history and mergers of three congregations at Faith is this church building located at 253 South Main Street in Rosholt, Wisconsin.



Hanging on the bell tower are the bells of the three original congregations.


Both churches have up to date sound and projection systems which enhance the worship experience.

The service bulletins are archived for about a month, along with monthly newsletter PDF's which are available for download on the next page.


Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sundays, various other occasions and open to all who wish to receive.


The LUTHERAN faith comes with a strong tradition of music. The best ever analogy for music and singing.
"MUSIC is an invitation for the tongue to DANCE"
whether or not your tongue is a good dancer wasn't mentioned.......





Sunday services at Faith are held at 8:45AM with Sunday School in session during the service.
Sunday School at North New Hope is at 9:45 AM with services following at 10:45 AM.

Click on the graphic below for an ELCA Bible "Verse of the day".





Contact us by EMAIL here: FAITH 'n HOPE
Faith New Hope Joint Parish
PO Box 6
Rosholt, WI, 54473
Faith Lutheran Church and Joint Parish:.715-677-4631
North New Hope Lutheran Church:...........715-824-2883



Family and youth camping sessions have been a part of this church for just about forever.
Please click there >
CROSSWAYS CAMPS to learn more about these specialty camps!



"There are only four kinds of people in the world - those who have been caregivers, those who currently are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers." -Rosalyn Carter.



For more about the EAST CENTRAL SYNOD OF WISCONSIN and who we are please click on the graphic below:





Here's where you can find us: FAITH LUTHERAN MAP NORTH NEW HOPE MAP



