Welcome to the congregations of Faith and North New Hope
Rosholt, Wisconsin
Grants Available
Faith Lutheran has an Extended Ministries Endowment Fund from which disbursements are awarded to approved organizations.
If you belong to a CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION whose mission is PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE this is for you.
The 2024-2025 grant cycle is closed.
In-house and online services are held at Faith Lutheran in Rosholt at 8:45 AM and North New Hope at 10:45 AM.
These are livestreamed on Facebook Live and are available for viewing live or at your convenience.
Livestream services are typically updated here by early afternoon.
These services are provided as a convenience for those who can't attend in person. It takes a facility, resources and staff to provide these services so please keep that in mind. Thank you!
February 9 New Hope Livestream
February 16 Faith Livestream (tba)
February 16 New Hope Livestream (tba)
For more daily devotions, visit the lectionary page from the ELW by clicking within this sentence.
You may also subscribe to have daily devotions delivered to your email.
Please come back often, watch for weekly updates and spread the WORD.
Click on the icon below to see more on our public facebook page
Both congregations have long and varied histories.
Please visit the Our Histories page for more.
The congregation of North New Hope has the longest history of the four congregations which make up the joint parish.
"There are only four kinds of people in the world - those who have been caregivers, those who currently are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers." -Rosalyn Carter.